Figen Yalçınkaya who is a trainer of “agile42” firm realised “Agile Point of View ” workshop on April 26 in İDEA Kadıköy. In the workshop which Kadıköy Municipality staff and İDEA İşlik members joined new organisation forms and work flow forms were discussed. It was presented that using these new working methods was possible in institutions like municipalities; it was also presented that it provided positive contributions for both staff and citizens by rising service quality.
It has been observed that; in institutions that implement “Agile Point of View”: work efficiency increases, capability of management of changing priorities and staff motivation improve and speed of product/service presentation gets better.
“agile42 Turkey” is a Berlin based company which is active in Turkey till 2014 with 3 local trainers and coaches. The company provides trainings and coaching services about “Agile” methods.